I'm implementing some machine learning algorithm in Apache Spark MLlib and I would like to multiply vector with scalar:
Where u_i_j_m is a Double and x_i is a vector
I've tried the following:
import breeze.linalg.{ DenseVector => BDV, Vector => BV}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{DenseVector, Vectors, Vector}
private def runAlgorithm(data: RDD[VectorWithNorm]): = {
data.mapPartitions { data_ponts =>
c = Array.fill(clustersNum)(BDV.zeros[Double](dim).asInstanceOf[BV[Double]])
data_ponts.foreach { data_point =>
u_i_j_m : Double = ....
val temp= data_point.vector * u_i_j_m)
// c(j) = temp
Where VectorWithNorm is defined as following:
class VectorWithNorm(val vector: Vector, val norm: Double) extends Serializable {
def this(vector: Vector) = this(vector, Vectors.norm(vector, 2.0))
def this(array: Array[Double]) = this(Vectors.dense(array))
def toDense: VectorWithNorm = new VectorWithNorm(Vectors.dense(vector.toArray), norm)
But when I build the project I get the following error:
Error: value * is not a member of org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector val temp = (data_point.vector * u_i_j_m)
How can I do this multiplication correctly?
u_i_j_m : Double
isn't there aval
missing? or did you just edited it out by accident? – kosii