
I'd like to make a typed AST for a dynamic language. At present, I'm stuck on handling collections. Here's a representative code sample:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data Box = forall s. B s

data BinOp = Add | Sub | Mul | Div
             deriving (Eq, Show)

data Flag = Empty | NonEmpty

data List :: Flag -> * -> * where
    Nil :: List Empty a
    Cons :: a -> List f a -> List NonEmpty a

data Expr ty where
    EInt :: Integer -> Expr Integer
    EDouble :: Double -> Expr Double
--    EList :: List -> Expr List

While I can construct instances of List well enough:

*Main> :t (Cons (B (EInt 1)) (Cons (B (EDouble 2.0)) Nil))
(Cons (B (EInt 1)) (Cons (B (EDouble 2.0)) Nil))
  :: List Box 'NonEmpty

I'm not at all sure how to encode this type in Expr for EList. Am I even on the right path here?

You have no heterogeneous collections - the type Box is useless. You cannot do anything with the value inside, other than call seq on it I guess.. It seems this question is not about heterogeneous collections in Haskell per se, but modelling a type system in Haskell which supports heterogeneous collections. However, if you mean "dynamic" as in "dynamically typed", then it doesn't make sense for the representation of a dynamically typed language to statically typed in the meta-language (Haskell).user2407038
Possible duplicate of List of any DataKind in GADT.user3237465

1 Answers


One way to approach this problem is to tag values with run-time type representatives. I'm channelling Stephanie Weirich, here. Let's have a small example. First, give a representation to some types. That's typically done with a singleton construction.

data Type :: * -> * where
  Int   :: Type Int
  Char  :: Type Char
  List  :: Type x -> Type [x]

So Type Int contains one value, which I've also called Int, because it acts as the run-time representative of the type Int. If you can see colour even in monochrome things, the Int left of the :: is red, and the Int after Type is blue.

Now we can do existential packaging, preserving utility.

data Cell :: * where
 (:::) :: x -> Type x -> Cell

A Cell is a value tagged with a run-time representative of its type. You can recover the utility of the value by reading its type tag. Indeed, as types are first-order structures, we can check them for equality in a useful way.

data EQ :: k -> k -> * where
  Refl :: EQ x x

typeEQ :: Type x -> Type y -> Maybe (EQ x y)
typeEQ Int Int = Just Refl
typeEQ Char Char = Just Refl
typeEQ (List s) (List t) = case typeEQ s t of
  Just Refl -> Just Refl
  Nothing -> Nothing
typeEQ _ _ = Nothing

A Boolean equality on type representatives is no use: we need the equality test to construct the evidence that the represented types can be unified. With the evidence-producing test, we can write

gimme :: Type x -> Cell -> Maybe x
gimme t (x ::: s) = case typeEQ s t of
  Just Refl -> Just x
  Nothing   -> Nothing

Of course, writing the type tags is a nuisance. But why keep a dog and bark yourself?

class TypeMe x where
  myType :: Type x

instance TypeMe Int where
  myType = Int

instance TypeMe Char where
  myType = Char

instance TypeMe x => TypeMe [x] where
  myType = List myType

cell :: TypeMe x => x -> Cell
cell x = x ::: myType

And now we can do things like

myCells :: [Cell]
myCells = [cell (length "foo"), cell "foo"]

and then get

> gimme Int (head myCells)
Just 3

Of course, it would all be so much tidier if we didn't have to do the singleton construction and could just pattern-match on such types as we might choose to retain at run-time. I expect we'll get there when the mythical pi quantifier becomes less mythical.