I have crated a Maven project for my selenium test. I have added some testNG classes under src/test/java. The package name under which testNG classes are is named as "tests".
Now I have created a Project in Jenkins to build that project and I am using a .bat file to do that.
The .bat file looks like this:
set classpath=D:\Learning\Eclipse\Workspace\CabiGroup\target\test-classes;D:\Learning\Eclipse\Workspace\CabiGroup\lib\*
java -cp bin;D:\Learning\Eclipse\Workspace\CabiGroup\lib\* org.testng.TestNG XML\CabiDirect.xml XML\CabiHome.xml
In the classpath; I understand that I need to provide the path of bin folder of the Maven project; but I do not see any bin folder under the Maven Project in my Workspace.
That is why the build is failing with error:
Cannot find class in classpath: tests.VerifyAdvanceSearch
(VerifyAdvanceSearch.class is a testNG class under tests package).
How do I see the bin folder under workspace and provide the path in the .bat file properly?
Please help.
Edit: I have followed what can I do to make display the bin folder on eclipse? but it did not help.