
I am trying to get all our organization users to login using their LDAP domain credentials to Jenkins. With the options below, only users under 1 particular OU are able to login. I want to provide multiple OUs to search from.

Our Active Directory structure is as below:

ca -> America -> Users -> actual user id

ca -> India -> Users -> actual user id

Currently only users who are part of the America OU are able to login successfully to the application. I want users from both America and India OUs to be able to login successfully. I thought changing both User search base and Group search base as 'OU=Users,OU=America|OU=India' would work. But that fails for everybody. I tried replacing '|' with ','. But that did not help. Please provide suggestions or the right options to use. This is a blocker for our Jenkins implementation.

root DN DC=ca,DC=com allow blank root DN Not checked User search base OU=Users,OU=America User search filter sAMAccountName={0} Group search base OU=Users,OU=America Group search filter sAMAccountName={0} Group membership Search for groups containing user (selected option) Group membership filter Manager DN CN=admin,OU=Role-Based,OU=America,DC=ca,DC=com Display name LDAP attribute sAMAccountName Email address LDAP attribute mail Environment variables com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout = 60000 com.sun.jndi.ldap.read.timeout = 60000

Did you finally find a solution for this issue? Thank you.Charles Morin

1 Answers


It looks like you're not using the Active Directory plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Active+Directory+plugin) since you are configuring the DNs. Try installing the plugin. Then,

  1. Go to Jenkins -> Configure Global Security -> Security Realm
  2. Choose Active Directory.
  3. If your Jenkins machine is in the same domain you want to authenticate against, go to next step. Otherwise, you have to specify the domain(s).
  4. In Authorization, add both OUs.
  5. Save, and try to login.