
I set up a shop/update webhook in my shopify app but I'm not able to make it work. If I add the same url via shopify notifications my url is called just fine. But if I change my shop name, emails, currency etc I don't get any call.

What does "shop/update" actually stand for? What should be updated so that I get notified?

Thank you


There's some strange issue related to my working environment I guess. I have a local php script "waiting" for webhooks from shopify. Then there's a ultrahook thing set up which basically listens to webhooks on public hostname and forwards them to my local project.

The strange thing is that I: - DO NOT get actual shop/update topic webhook calls to my local project via ultrahook (ultrahook seems not to get them, not an issue with my project) - DO get shop/update webhook calls to other servers - DO get other topic webhook calls to my local project via ultrahook - DO get shop/update webhook calls to my local project via utrahook IF I initiate them by clicking "Test webhook" in shopify

Any ideas?

Have you checked that the webhook was correctly set up when you installed the app? You can check it through the APIdavids
Yes, I did that. It's there. It's stranger than I thought. Seems to be working if I change the url to another server, if I click "Test" in manually added notification or if I use another topic (like product updated). Very odd. Wrote in the shopify forum and emailed the admins.MaGnetas
Sounds weird! What URL endpoint are you using?davids
I use ultrahook.com to forward the webhook calls to my local environment. I though that's where the problem is. But this doesn't explain why "test clicking" or other webhook topics work fine with the same urlMaGnetas
Yeah, it's pretty illogical. I normally use localtunnel.me and it works fine. Have you checked the protocol? It seems that ultrahook works on HTTP, could you webhook url be set up as HTTPS?davids

1 Answers


shop/update webhook fire when you change data like product, collection, pages etc only. This could be the reason you are not notifying when updating shop email.