I set up a shop/update webhook in my shopify app but I'm not able to make it work. If I add the same url via shopify notifications my url is called just fine. But if I change my shop name, emails, currency etc I don't get any call.
What does "shop/update" actually stand for? What should be updated so that I get notified?
Thank you
There's some strange issue related to my working environment I guess. I have a local php script "waiting" for webhooks from shopify. Then there's a ultrahook thing set up which basically listens to webhooks on public hostname and forwards them to my local project.
The strange thing is that I: - DO NOT get actual shop/update topic webhook calls to my local project via ultrahook (ultrahook seems not to get them, not an issue with my project) - DO get shop/update webhook calls to other servers - DO get other topic webhook calls to my local project via ultrahook - DO get shop/update webhook calls to my local project via utrahook IF I initiate them by clicking "Test webhook" in shopify
Any ideas?