I am creating a VB.NET project that involves Crystal Reports. I create my reports using the following SQL command:
If (limitByDate) Then
dateClause = " (([Submit Time]>= '" & DateTimeToSqlTime(beginDate) & "') And ([Submit Time]<= '" & DateTimeToSqlTime(endDate) & "'))"
End If
sqlAdapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Submission Transactions] WHERE " & dateClause & " ORDER BY [Submit Time] DESC", ServerDB.getConn)
I need to display the beginDate and endDate on the Crystal Report. I do not want to use Crystal Reports built in date range selector. These parameters are not shown in the Crystal Report dialogue and there is not necessarily an entry on the beginDate or endDate. I.e. I cannot just do a minimum and maximum of current entries.
What are some options to display these dates on my report?
I am using .NET 4.6. Can use either VB or C#. I am not positive of Crystal Reports version, but use the plugin for Visual Studio 2015.