
I have a spreadsheet containing a list of assessments for students. It is comprised of four columns:

   A           B         C         D
Student     Standard    Date     Score

On another sheet I have a table containing a list of students in column A and a list of standards in Row 1.

I want to query the spreadsheet of assessments to return the score of the most recent assessment for the current student on the current standard. Currently I have this formula in cell K3:

=Query(Assessments!A:D,"select D where(A="&$A3&" and B="&K$1&") order by max(C) limit 1")

but it gives me this error:

Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: AGG_IN_ORDER_NOT_IN_SELECTMAX(C)

Edit: I've gotten some great answers, but I guess I asked poorly. What I really need is the score from the most recent assessment. The results from JPV and pnuts have both given the date of the most recent assessment. Here is a stripped down version of the actual file: spreadsheet.

In the Students sheet I'm needing a formula in the Green cells that results in a number from 0 to 4 based on the data in the Assessments sheet.

This is why in the query I was trying to select D, but order by max(C).

I tweaked one of these formulas and got:

=iferror(query(A3:D20, "Select D where A = '"&G20&"' and B = '"&I20&"' order by C desc limit 1",0), "no data found")
You would have to use max (which is an AGGREGATE functione ) in the select clause. If you need help, please consider some example data.JPV

2 Answers


I addition to the fine solution provided by pnuts (+1 for the sample data), here are some posibilities using query (check the green cells in this spreadsheet.

=query(A2:D20, "select A, MAX(C) GROUP BY A  pivot B",1)


=query(A2:D20, "select A, B, MAX(C) GROUP BY A, B",1)

should create a table with the latest date per student, per standard.

In case you want to use cell references (where a cell holds a student name and another cell holds the standard), try:

=iferror(query(A3:D20, "Select A, B, C where A = '"&G20&"' and B = '"&I20&"' order by C desc limit 1",0), "no data found")

where G20 is student name and I20 is standard (change range to suit).


Does not use the query function but seems to "query the spreadsheet of assessments to return the most recent assessment for the current student on the current standard":


Constructed data as example:

Student Standard    Date    Score
Bod5        C   2/2/2015    9
Bod6        B   1/1/2015    8
Bod7        C   7/7/2015    7
Bod8        A   9/9/2015    6
Bod1        B   3/3/2015    5
Bod2        C   4/4/2015    43
Bod3        B   6/6/2015    2
Bod4        C   1/1/2015    1
Bod1        A   1/1/2016    8
Bod1        A   2/2/2017    7
Bod1        A   1/1/2013    6
Bod1        A   1/1/2011    5
Bod9        A   9/9/2009    9
Bod9        B   1/1/2011    3
Bod9        C   3/3/2013    2
Bod9        A   10/10/2010  4
Bod9        B   11/1/2001   2
Bod9        C   4/4/2014    1  


SO33313591 example