
I am trying to load a file to Kafka Consumer either with Flume or directly to Kafka. I started Kafka server using this link: http://kafka.apache.org/081/quickstart.html

As mentioned in the doc, I started zookeeper and also the brokers. Then I am able to send messages from Producer to Consumer. But, I am trying to see if I can upload an input file from my local machine to Kafka.

Any advice? Thanks.

Is the file used by any of your producers or consumers?Chris Gerken
Well, I want to pass that file from Kafka to Storm and then visualize the data.Katie

1 Answers


You can't load a file into Kafka Consumer. You can only write data/file in a kafka topic using Kafka Producer Api's.
So, you need to write that file into a kafka topic and then your consumers will be able to read it.