Update: Also got GTK3 (bundle from below) running a Windows 10 64 bit device.
The additional step I had to accomplish was to include the libintl.def and
libintl.dll.a from an older bundle into the lib folder. I obtained those two files from a GTK2.x bundle, i.e. https://download.gnome.org/binaries/win64/gtk+/2.22/gtk+-bundle_2.22.1-20101229_win64.zip.mirrorlist, otherwise cabal was complaining about the missing C library intl. To sum up:
1) Obtain a GTK3 x64 bundle from the link http://www.tarnyko.net/dl/gtk.htm.
2) Obtain the missing files libintl.def and libintl.dll.a from an older
bundle, i.e. GTK2 (link from above) and include them in the lib folder.
3) Install glib first, run cabal install glib. Ensure that you have administrator privileges and GTK3/bin is on your PATH variable. Additionally,
you can set LIB and INCLUDE pointing to the GTK/lib and GTK/include folder respectively (might not be necessary).
4) Run cabal install gtk3 finally. You may use the flag --global.
(Tested on Windows 10, 64-Bit, Haskell Platform 8.x)
Installation steps for Windows 7, 64-Bit: (Original Post)
I figured it out how to install GTK3 on Windows7 (64 bit) when running
Haskell Platform 7.10.3. Therefor, I had to accomplish following steps:
- Download the gtk3 64-bit bundle from http://www.tarnyko.net/dl/gtk.htm (personally I have used the 3.6 version of it)
- Download the gtk3 binding https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gtk3 (0.14.5)
- Install the dependencies separately. This encompasses the libraries gio, glib and pango (not cairo in my case). (cabal install package-name)
- Adjust the gtk3.cabal file. I have removed following lines (all are within 5 lines):
- if os(darwin)
cpp-options: -D__attribute__(A)=
- -DWIN32 (just that one flag)
- extra-libraries: kernel32
Adjust the gtk.h file (comes with the gtk3 bundle, include\gtk-3.0\gtk) I have defined following macros BEFORE the include operation of #include :
define GDK_VERSION_3_0 (G_ENCODE_VERSION (3, 0))
Add the path of the MinGW and gtk3 folders bin, include, lib to the PATH variable.
- Run cabal install gtk3.cabal
- Following tricks also helped me (command line parameters):
- --gcc-options="C=LANG"
- --with-gcc="path to gcc.exe"
- --global
To be honest, this was more luck than knowledge. Took me several hours
to find a workaround. I had the same troubles with the gtk2 bindings for haskell. (Installing gtk2hs failure)