I'm reading through ember-cli-mirage's docs about creating mock responses but can't figure out how to test error responses for the exact same request. For example:
test("I can view the users", function() {
var users = server.createList('user', 3);
andThen(function() {
equal( find('li').length, 3 );
equal( find('li:first').text(), users[0].name );
test("I can view the error if viewing the users returns an error", function() {
// somehow set up an error response (?)
andThen(function() {
equal( find('#error').length, 1 );
It looks like the only way to form the response is in the route
this.get('/users', function(db, request) {
if (something based on the request, i guess?) {
return new Mirage.Response(500, {}, {message: 'Oops! Something bad happenned. :('});
} else {
return db.users.insert([
{name: 'Zelda', age: 142},
{name: 'Epona', age: 58},
How does mirage recommend going about doing this?