In box2d there is no option to set the gravity to some direct point, you can just assing as gravity some vector so the gravity itself is rather about some direction.
Although you can simulate this by
setting world gravity to (0,0)
World world = new World(new Vector2(0,0), true);
applying a force to body (or all bodies by iterating over them) in every render (game main loop iteration) equal to Gravitation. The example of setting gravity center to some centerBody:
Body body, centerBody;
//in render method
float G = 1; //modifier of gravity value - you can make it bigger to have stronger gravity
float distance = body.getPosition().dst( centerBody.getPosition() );
float forceValue = G / (distance * distance);
Vector2 direction = centerBody.getPosition().sub( body.getPosition() ) );
body.applyForce( direction.mul( forceValue ), body.getWorldCenter() ); //the mul method is the same that scl in Libgdx I guess
If you want to apply gravity not to some centerBody but direct point just set new Vector2(0,0)
instead of centerBody.getPosition