Good day, I have finally decided to ask for help. I have 1 workbook, multiple worksheets. The formula gives me #Value! which I am understanding that it has a wrong datatype. I am simply wanting look at a range within 1 column of dates, then add a column of numbers in 2 separate columns and divide those 2 columns and multiply by 30. It amounts to this. SUM(D31/C31)*30. This small formula works great when just using the numbers. I am taking total hours divided by amount of production multiplied by 30 dollars per hour. Obviously I will do this for each month of the year.
The 2 sheets are labeled as follows. This formula below resides on sheet "Monthly". It is referencing sheet "Overall Cost". I am hoping I have given you enough information that perhaps you might have the time to assist me. Note: I have the range pretty long because this is supposed to work for the whole year so I made it 10,000 rows deep.
=SUMPRODUCT(('Overall Cost'!$B$3:$B$10000<=DATE(2015,9,30))*('Overall Cost'!$B$3:$B$10000>=DATE(2015,9,1)),SUM(('Overall Cost'!$D$3:$D$10000)/SUM('Overall Cost'!$C$3:$C$10000))*30)
Sample data:
"B" "C" "D"
SQ FT Hours
Date OH OH
Wednesday 8/10/15 3427 232
Thursday 8/11/15 5536 232
Friday 8/12/15 2364 232
Monday 8/1/15 6408 232
Tuesday 9/4/15 2499 232
Wednesday 9/5/15 870 232