I try to install sbt-assembly to create jar file with all my scala files and their dependencies.
I already installed sbt (the command "sbt sbt-version" in shell gives the following version: 0.13.9). I downloaded sbt-assembly from the Github repository (https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly) and extracted in a folder.
I followed the instruction in the README on Github (creating a /project/assembly.sbt file with "addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.0")" inside). I also created a /project/build.sbt file, following this tutorial (http://raintomorrow.cc/post/50811498259/how-to-package-a-scala-project-into-an).
Anyway, when I write the command "sbt run" or "sbt assembly" in the shell (I am located in the folder where the sbt-assembly files are), I always get two errors message saying that the object "import AssemblyKeys._" and the value "assemblySettings" (from the file /project/build.sbt I just created) are not found.
If someone knows what I am doing wrong, it would be very helpful.
Thanks !