After building a fairly simple API, I started looking into authentication where the basic HTTP authentication over SSL with just a username/password combination may appear weak for someone using it, although various discussions on here suggest it should be fine.
As this is the case, I looked into the API's from similar solutions which provide their users with a user ID and an API Key instead. The problem is I don't see how this is any stronger at all. I assume the Key is still saved just the same as a password, where from my perspective it just looks like they are calling a password a key.
How does the &api_key=hiperz_api_key&gs_id=3873
args offer any further security than just a username password? I would definitely like to implement something stronger than just user/pass over basic HTTP authentication and provide the end user with some type of token/key to use for access, but I am failing to see the additional strength from such approaches.