Can the GHC-specific libraries be called the standard library? Or do only those in the Haskell 2010 report count?
Many of the GHC libraries can be implemented by the functions in the Haskell report, possibly combined with C bindings. But the others are reliant on GHC-specific extensions, since the current Haskell language as defined in the language report doesn't support it.
For example, can Data.Array.IO
be implemented in pure standard Haskell?
Is it really okay to think that GHC is Haskell?
, the answer is explicitly "no". The array docs say that "In addition to providing the Data.Array module as specified in the Haskell 2010 Language Report, this package also defines the classes IArray of immutable arrays and MArray of arrays mutable within appropriate monads, as well as some instances of these classes" (emphasis mine); meanwhile,Data.Array.IO
is marked as "non-portable (uses Data.Array.MArray)". – duplodeGHCJS
, and perhaps to branch out a bit to Haskell relatives like Purescript and Frege. – dfeuer