First, the error message's crazy-looking suggestion can actually work -- instead of your AS chrLv
, have AS f0_group.chrLv
. I won't even try to explain exactly why, because I can't really, but I can give some background on when this thing happens and how to work around it generally.
The key thing here is the SPLIT
creates repeated values, which are where a single row and single column contains multiple values.
When you SPLIT "a,b,c" as val
, the immediate result is a single row whose schema would say val: string (repeated)
When you run a query using a SPLIT, by default, the query results are flattened: a single row containing a 3-repeated value will turn into 3 rows. When you try to Save View, the behavior is different: it doesn't flatten. That's why you can query but not save the view. (If you want, you can reproduce the unflattened behavior by setting query options: uncheck "Flatten Results" (also "Allow Large" and "Select Table").)
So why the funny error with the unflattened result? This happens when you apply a function to a repeated value. The SPLIT
creates a repeated output, and the INTEGER
applies to that, triggering a surprise in the schema of the expression.
The workaround is to remove repeatedness -- flatten it to multiple rows -- before applying that function. First SPLIT
, then FLATTEN
, then the INTEGER
. Like this:
INTEGER(chrLvStr) as chrLv
SPLIT( REGEXP_REPLACE( REGEXP_REPLACE(chrLvs, r'\[', ''), r'\]', ''), ",") AS chrLvStr
FROM [test.setup_chr_lvs]
This runs (and can be saved as a view) where [test.setup_chr_lvs]
is a one-row model of your data saved from this query:
select "user1" as userId, "lv1" as lv, "[1, 24, 344]" as chrLvs
(And no, I do not have an indentation convention I use for FLATTEN