
I'm trying to build a demo application using Angular 2 Dart.

I'm using the Dart Plugin For WebStorm & IntelliJ Ultimate

I've tried a couple of the demo projects floating around the web, and none of the examples running above alpha 30 seem to have class support.


Problem: I cannot step into even basic methods like bootstrap().

Problem: When running the Dart Debugger - breakpoints don't hit

Question: How do i enable jump to support for Angular 2 Dart in WebStorm or IDEA Ultimate?

Note: This is unrelated to TypeScript / JavaScript - Dart Specific


3 Answers


Thank you for filing an issue in JetBrains issue tracker! It is fixed now. Dart plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP with the fix is published now (try Help | Check for Updates). WebStorm 11 EAP with the fix will be released next week.


In the current WebStorm/IntelliJ EAP version you need to run pub get pub upgrade from the command line. WebStorm currently passes the experimental --no-package-symlinks option which breaks a few things. This was already changed and will be fixed with the next update. See also https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-18020


Have you tried using a different version of the SDK? I've had this problem previously and using a different one solved it (sometimes temporarily)