
I have an Excel file with hundreds of cells that use the Hyperlink formula =HYPERLINK( <targetURL>, <friendlyName> ). I need to extract the plain text URLs from these. Most examples that I've found rely on the cell using a different hyperlinking method.

So a function like this:

Function HyperLinkText(pRange As Range) As String

   Dim ST1 As String
   Dim ST2 As String

   If pRange.Hyperlinks.Count = 0 Then
      HyperLinkText = "not found"
      Exit Function
   End If

   ST1 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).Address
   ST2 = pRange.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress

   If ST2 <> "" Then
      ST1 = "[" & ST1 & "]" & ST2
   End If

   HyperLinkText = ST1

End Function

results in cell text "not found". Alternatively, is there a way of converting these cells to the other hyperlink format so that the macro I have works?

How are your hyperlinks given? Is there a short name for them, or is it just =Hyperlink("http://www.google.com")? Edit: Ah, sorry - didn't see your first sentence :PBruceWayne

6 Answers


Here is a method that will return the hyperlink text whether it has been created by a formula, or by the Insert/Hyperlink method.

If the former, we merely have to parse the formula; if the latter, we need to iterate through the hyperlinks collection on the worksheet.

The formula will return nothing if there is no hyperlink in cell_ref; change to suit.

Option Explicit
Function HyperLinkText(rg As Range)
    Dim sFormula As String, S As String
    Dim L As Long
    Dim H As Hyperlink, HS As Hyperlinks

sFormula = rg.Formula
L = InStr(1, sFormula, "HYPERLINK(""", vbBinaryCompare)

If L > 0 Then
    S = Mid(sFormula, L + 11)
    S = Left(S, InStr(S, """") - 1)
    Set HS = rg.Worksheet.Hyperlinks
    For Each H In HS
        If H.Range = rg Then
            S = H.Address
        End If
    Next H
End If

HyperLinkText = S

End Function


You could extract it with a regex:

Dim re
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
re.Pattern = "^=HYPERLINK\(""([^""]+)"""

If re.Test(pRange.Formula) Then
    Debug.Print "URL = " & re.Execute(pRange.Formula)(0).SubMatches(0)
    Debug.Print "URL not found"
End If

This just checks to see if the formula begins with:


and, if so, grabs the text from that point until the following ".


Hm - playing around with it, I couldn't get .Address to work either.

You say you want to extract the URL only, I was able to do that with this macro:

Function hyperlinkText(pRange As Range) As String
Dim st1 As String, st2 As String
Dim tempSub1 As String, tempSub2 As String

If Left(pRange.Formula, 10) <> "=HYPERLINK" Then
    hyperlinkText = "not found"
    Exit Function
    tempSub1 = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(pRange.Formula, """", "[", 1)
    tempSub2 = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(tempSub1, """", "]", 1)
    hyperlinkText = Mid(tempSub2, WorksheetFunction.Find("[", tempSub2) + 1, WorksheetFunction.Find("]", tempSub2) - WorksheetFunction.Find("[", tempSub2) - 1)
End If

End Function

Note though, it doesn't get the "Friendly Name" of the Hyperlink() formula, just the URL.


Non-VBA possibility:

Work on copies of the cells with links because the first step is to replace part of their content (specifically = with I suggest the not sign ¬). Then, assuming the copy is in A1:


and replace ¬ with = where the link contains an equals sign.


I ended up using Python:

  1. Download (or convert) the spreadsheet into xlsx format.
  2. Install openpyxl using pip or conda.
  3. Read the xlsx with a code similar to:

    from openpyxl import load_workbook
    wb = load_workbook(filename = 'cities.xlsx')
    sheet_ranges = wb['Sheet1']
    for c in sheet_ranges['B']:

Note that the name 'Sheet1' or column names might be different case by case ('B' is the column with hyperlink in my case).

  1. After the links are printed copy them and paste them into a new column in your sheet.

Here is an Excel formula that can extract URL from a hyperlink used into cell.

A1= Excel Cell where you want to extract URL.


Image for reference.

Excel Formula to get URL from excel hyperlink