I'd like to use the following syntax
data new;
set old (where=(mystring in ('string1','string2',...,'string500')));
in order to filter a very large input data set. The 500 strings at first are contained as numeric values in the variable "bbb" in the dataset "aux". So far I have created a macro variable which contains the required list of the 500 strings the following way:
proc sql noprint;
select bbb into :StringList1 separated by "',' "
from work.aux;
data _null_; call symputx('StringList2',compress("'&StringList1'")); run;
data new;
set old (where=(mystring in (&StringList2)));
... which seems to work. But there is a warning telling me that
The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 characters long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks.
Results still seem to be plausible. Should I be worried that one day results might become wrong?
More importantly: I try to find a way to avoid using the compress function by setting up the
separated by "',' "
option in a way that does not contain blanks in the first place. Unfortunately the following seems not to work:
separated by "','"
It doesn't give me a eror message but when looking at the macro variable there is a multipage-mess of red line numbers (the color which usually denotes error messages), empty rows, minus signs, ... . The following screenshot shows part of the log after running this code:
proc sql noprint;
select vnr into :StringVar1 separated by "','"
from work.var_nr_import;
%put &StringVar1.;
Have already tried to make use of the STR()-function but no success so far.