
Any pointers on how to solve efficiently the following function in Haskell, for large numbers (n > 108)

f(n) = max(n, f(n/2) + f(n/3) + f(n/4))

I've seen examples of memoization in Haskell to solve fibonacci numbers, which involved computing (lazily) all the fibonacci numbers up to the required n. But in this case, for a given n, we only need to compute very few intermediate results.


Only in the sense that it is some work that I'm doing at home :-)Angel de Vicente

8 Answers


We can do this very efficiently by making a structure that we can index in sub-linear time.

But first,

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import Data.Function (fix)

Let's define f, but make it use 'open recursion' rather than call itself directly.

f :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
f mf 0 = 0
f mf n = max n $ mf (n `div` 2) +
                 mf (n `div` 3) +
                 mf (n `div` 4)

You can get an unmemoized f by using fix f

This will let you test that f does what you mean for small values of f by calling, for example: fix f 123 = 144

We could memoize this by defining:

f_list :: [Int]
f_list = map (f faster_f) [0..]

faster_f :: Int -> Int
faster_f n = f_list !! n

That performs passably well, and replaces what was going to take O(n^3) time with something that memoizes the intermediate results.

But it still takes linear time just to index to find the memoized answer for mf. This means that results like:

*Main Data.List> faster_f 123801

are tolerable, but the result doesn't scale much better than that. We can do better!

First, let's define an infinite tree:

data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
instance Functor Tree where
    fmap f (Tree l m r) = Tree (fmap f l) (f m) (fmap f r)

And then we'll define a way to index into it, so we can find a node with index n in O(log n) time instead:

index :: Tree a -> Int -> a
index (Tree _ m _) 0 = m
index (Tree l _ r) n = case (n - 1) `divMod` 2 of
    (q,0) -> index l q
    (q,1) -> index r q

... and we may find a tree full of natural numbers to be convenient so we don't have to fiddle around with those indices:

nats :: Tree Int
nats = go 0 1
        go !n !s = Tree (go l s') n (go r s')
                l = n + s
                r = l + s
                s' = s * 2

Since we can index, you can just convert a tree into a list:

toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList as = map (index as) [0..]

You can check the work so far by verifying that toList nats gives you [0..]


f_tree :: Tree Int
f_tree = fmap (f fastest_f) nats

fastest_f :: Int -> Int
fastest_f = index f_tree

works just like with list above, but instead of taking linear time to find each node, can chase it down in logarithmic time.

The result is considerably faster:

*Main> fastest_f 12380192300

*Main> fastest_f 12793129379123

In fact it is so much faster that you can go through and replace Int with Integer above and get ridiculously large answers almost instantaneously

*Main> fastest_f' 1230891823091823018203123

*Main> fastest_f' 12308918230918230182031231231293810923

For an out-of-the-box library that implements the tree based memoization, use MemoTrie:

$ stack repl --package MemoTrie
Prelude> import Data.MemoTrie
Prelude Data.MemoTrie> :set -XLambdaCase
Prelude Data.MemoTrie> :{
Prelude Data.MemoTrie| fastest_f' :: Integer -> Integer
Prelude Data.MemoTrie| fastest_f' = memo $ \case
Prelude Data.MemoTrie|   0 -> 0
Prelude Data.MemoTrie|   n -> max n (fastest_f'(n `div` 2) + fastest_f'(n `div` 3) + fastest_f'(n `div` 4))
Prelude Data.MemoTrie| :}
Prelude Data.MemoTrie> fastest_f' 12308918230918230182031231231293810923

Edward's answer is such a wonderful gem that I've duplicated it and provided implementations of memoList and memoTree combinators that memoize a function in open-recursive form.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import Data.Function (fix)

f :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
f mf 0 = 0
f mf n = max n $ mf (div n 2) +
                 mf (div n 3) +
                 mf (div n 4)

-- Memoizing using a list

-- The memoizing functionality depends on this being in eta reduced form!
memoList :: ((Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
memoList f = memoList_f
  where memoList_f = (memo !!) . fromInteger
        memo = map (f memoList_f) [0..]

faster_f :: Integer -> Integer
faster_f = memoList f

-- Memoizing using a tree

data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
instance Functor Tree where
    fmap f (Tree l m r) = Tree (fmap f l) (f m) (fmap f r)

index :: Tree a -> Integer -> a
index (Tree _ m _) 0 = m
index (Tree l _ r) n = case (n - 1) `divMod` 2 of
    (q,0) -> index l q
    (q,1) -> index r q

nats :: Tree Integer
nats = go 0 1
        go !n !s = Tree (go l s') n (go r s')
                l = n + s
                r = l + s
                s' = s * 2

toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList as = map (index as) [0..]

-- The memoizing functionality depends on this being in eta reduced form!
memoTree :: ((Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
memoTree f = memoTree_f
  where memoTree_f = index memo
        memo = fmap (f memoTree_f) nats

fastest_f :: Integer -> Integer
fastest_f = memoTree f

Not the most efficient way, but does memoize:

f = 0 : [ g n | n <- [1..] ]
    where g n = max n $ f!!(n `div` 2) + f!!(n `div` 3) + f!!(n `div` 4)

when requesting f !! 144, it is checked that f !! 143 exists, but its exact value is not calculated. It's still set as some unknown result of a calculation. The only exact values calculated are the ones needed.

So initially, as far as how much has been calculated, the program knows nothing.

f = .... 

When we make the request f !! 12, it starts doing some pattern matching:

f = 0 : g 1 : g 2 : g 3 : g 4 : g 5 : g 6 : g 7 : g 8 : g 9 : g 10 : g 11 : g 12 : ...

Now it starts calculating

f !! 12 = g 12 = max 12 $ f!!6 + f!!4 + f!!3

This recursively makes another demand on f, so we calculate

f !! 6 = g 6 = max 6 $ f !! 3 + f !! 2 + f !! 1
f !! 3 = g 3 = max 3 $ f !! 1 + f !! 1 + f !! 0
f !! 1 = g 1 = max 1 $ f !! 0 + f !! 0 + f !! 0
f !! 0 = 0

Now we can trickle back up some

f !! 1 = g 1 = max 1 $ 0 + 0 + 0 = 1

Which means the program now knows:

f = 0 : 1 : g 2 : g 3 : g 4 : g 5 : g 6 : g 7 : g 8 : g 9 : g 10 : g 11 : g 12 : ...

Continuing to trickle up:

f !! 3 = g 3 = max 3 $ 1 + 1 + 0 = 3

Which means the program now knows:

f = 0 : 1 : g 2 : 3 : g 4 : g 5 : g 6 : g 7 : g 8 : g 9 : g 10 : g 11 : g 12 : ...

Now we continue with our calculation of f!!6:

f !! 6 = g 6 = max 6 $ 3 + f !! 2 + 1
f !! 2 = g 2 = max 2 $ f !! 1 + f !! 0 + f !! 0 = max 2 $ 1 + 0 + 0 = 2
f !! 6 = g 6 = max 6 $ 3 + 2 + 1 = 6

Which means the program now knows:

f = 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : g 4 : g 5 : 6 : g 7 : g 8 : g 9 : g 10 : g 11 : g 12 : ...

Now we continue with our calculation of f!!12:

f !! 12 = g 12 = max 12 $ 6 + f!!4 + 3
f !! 4 = g 4 = max 4 $ f !! 2 + f !! 1 + f !! 1 = max 4 $ 2 + 1 + 1 = 4
f !! 12 = g 12 = max 12 $ 6 + 4 + 3 = 13

Which means the program now knows:

f = 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : g 5 : 6 : g 7 : g 8 : g 9 : g 10 : g 11 : 13 : ...

So the calculation is done fairly lazily. The program knows that some value for f !! 8 exists, that it's equal to g 8, but it has no idea what g 8 is.


This is an addendum to Edward Kmett's excellent answer.

When I tried his code, the definitions of nats and index seemed pretty mysterious, so I write an alternative version that I found easier to understand.

I define index and nats in terms of index' and nats'.

index' t n is defined over the range [1..]. (Recall that index t is defined over the range [0..].) It works searches the tree by treating n as a string of bits, and reading through the bits in reverse. If the bit is 1, it takes the right-hand branch. If the bit is 0, it takes the left-hand branch. It stops when it reaches the last bit (which must be a 1).

index' (Tree l m r) 1 = m
index' (Tree l m r) n = case n `divMod` 2 of
                          (n', 0) -> index' l n'
                          (n', 1) -> index' r n'

Just as nats is defined for index so that index nats n == n is always true, nats' is defined for index'.

nats' = Tree l 1 r
    l = fmap (\n -> n*2)     nats'
    r = fmap (\n -> n*2 + 1) nats'
    nats' = Tree l 1 r

Now, nats and index are simply nats' and index' but with the values shifted by 1:

index t n = index' t (n+1)
nats = fmap (\n -> n-1) nats'

As stated in Edward Kmett's answer, to speed things up, you need to cache costly computations and be able to access them quickly.

To keep the function non monadic, the solution of building an infinite lazy tree, with an appropriate way to index it (as shown in previous posts) fulfills that goal. If you give up the non-monadic nature of the function, you can use the standard associative containers available in Haskell in combination with “state-like” monads (like State or ST).

While the main drawback is that you get a non-monadic function, you do not have to index the structure yourself anymore, and can just use standard implementations of associative containers.

To do so, you first need to re-write you function to accept any kind of monad:

fm :: (Integral a, Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
fm _    0 = return 0
fm recf n = do
   recs <- mapM recf $ div n <$> [2, 3, 4]
   return $ max n (sum recs)

For your tests, you can still define a function that does no memoization using Data.Function.fix, although it is a bit more verbose:

noMemoF :: (Integral n) => n -> n
noMemoF = runIdentity . fix fm

You can then use State monad in combination with Data.Map to speed things up:

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS

withMemoStMap :: (Integral n) => n -> n
withMemoStMap n = evalState (fm recF n) MS.empty
      recF i = do
         v <- MS.lookup i <$> get
         case v of
            Just v' -> return v' 
            Nothing -> do
               v' <- fm recF i
               modify $ MS.insert i v'
               return v'

With minor changes, you can adapt the code to works with Data.HashMap instead:

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS

withMemoStHMap :: (Integral n, Hashable n) => n -> n
withMemoStHMap n = evalState (fm recF n) HMS.empty
      recF i = do
         v <- HMS.lookup i <$> get
         case v of
            Just v' -> return v' 
            Nothing -> do
               v' <- fm recF i
               modify $ HMS.insert i v'
               return v'

Instead of persistent data structures, you may also try mutable data structures (like the Data.HashTable) in combination with the ST monad:

import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Linear as MHM

withMemoMutMap :: (Integral n, Hashable n) => n -> n
withMemoMutMap n = runST $
   do ht <- MHM.new
      recF ht n
      recF ht i = do
         k <- MHM.lookup ht i
         case k of
            Just k' -> return k'
            Nothing -> do 
               k' <- fm (recF ht) i
               MHM.insert ht i k'
               return k'

Compared to the implementation without any memoization, any of these implementation allows you, for huge inputs, to get results in micro-seconds instead of having to wait several seconds.

Using Criterion as benchmark, I could observe that the implementation with the Data.HashMap actually performed slightly better (around 20%) than that the Data.Map and Data.HashTable for which the timings were very similar.

I found the results of the benchmark a bit surprising. My initial feeling was that the HashTable would outperform the HashMap implementation because it is mutable. There might be some performance defect hidden in this last implementation.


A couple years later, I looked at this and realized there's a simple way to memoize this in linear time using zipWith and a helper function:

dilate :: Int -> [x] -> [x]
dilate n xs = replicate n =<< xs

dilate has the handy property that dilate n xs !! i == xs !! div i n.

So, supposing we're given f(0), this simplifies the computation to

fs = f0 : zipWith max [1..] (tail $ fs#/2 .+. fs#/3 .+. fs#/4)
  where (.+.) = zipWith (+)
        infixl 6 .+.
        (#/) = flip dilate
        infixl 7 #/

Looking a lot like our original problem description, and giving a linear solution (sum $ take n fs will take O(n)).


Yet another addendum to Edward Kmett's answer: a self-contained example:

data NatTrie v = NatTrie (NatTrie v) v (NatTrie v)

memo1 arg_to_index index_to_arg f = (\n -> index nats (arg_to_index n))
  where nats = go 0 1
        go i s = NatTrie (go (i+s) s') (f (index_to_arg i)) (go (i+s') s')
          where s' = 2*s
        index (NatTrie l v r) i
          | i <  0    = f (index_to_arg i)
          | i == 0    = v
          | otherwise = case (i-1) `divMod` 2 of
             (i',0) -> index l i'
             (i',1) -> index r i'

memoNat = memo1 id id 

Use it as follows to memoize a function with a single integer arg (e.g. fibonacci):

fib = memoNat f
  where f 0 = 0
        f 1 = 1
        f n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Only values for non-negative arguments will be cached.

To also cache values for negative arguments, use memoInt, defined as follows:

memoInt = memo1 arg_to_index index_to_arg
  where arg_to_index n
         | n < 0     = -2*n
         | otherwise =  2*n + 1
        index_to_arg i = case i `divMod` 2 of
           (n,0) -> -n
           (n,1) ->  n

To cache values for functions with two integer arguments use memoIntInt, defined as follows:

memoIntInt f = memoInt (\n -> memoInt (f n))

A solution without indexing, and not based on Edward KMETT's.

I factor out common subtrees to a common parent (f(n/4) is shared between f(n/2) and f(n/4), and f(n/6) is shared between f(2) and f(3)). By saving them as a single variable in the parent, the calculation of the subtree is done once.

data Tree a =
  Node {datum :: a, child2 :: Tree a, child3 :: Tree a}

f :: Int -> Int
f n = datum root
  where root = f' n Nothing Nothing

-- Pass in the arg
  -- and this node's lifted children (if any).
f' :: Integral a => a -> Maybe (Tree a) -> Maybe (Tree a)-> a
f' 0 _ _ = leaf
    where leaf = Node 0 leaf leaf
f' n m2 m3 = Node d c2 c3
    d = if n < 12 then n
            else max n (d2 + d3 + d4)
    [n2,n3,n4,n6] = map (n `div`) [2,3,4,6]
    [d2,d3,d4,d6] = map datum [c2,c3,c4,c6]
    c2 = case m2 of    -- Check for a passed-in subtree before recursing.
      Just c2' -> c2'
      Nothing -> f' n2 Nothing (Just c6)
    c3 = case m3 of
      Just c3' -> c3'
      Nothing -> f' n3 (Just c6) Nothing
    c4 = child2 c2
    c6 = f' n6 Nothing Nothing

    main =
      print (f 123801)
      -- Should print 248604.

The code doesn't easily extend to a general memoization function (at least, I wouldn't know how to do it), and you really have to think out how subproblems overlap, but the strategy should work for general multiple non-integer parameters. (I thought it up for two string parameters.)

The memo is discarded after each calculation. (Again, I was thinking about two string parameters.)

I don't know if this is more efficient than the other answers. Each lookup is technically only one or two steps ("Look at your child or your child's child"), but there might be a lot of extra memory use.

Edit: This solution isn't correct yet. The sharing is incomplete.

Edit: It should be sharing subchildren properly now, but I realized that this problem has a lot of nontrivial sharing: n/2/2/2 and n/3/3 might be the same. The problem is not a good fit for my strategy.