I have a set of variables the list of which I have saved in a global macro so that I can use them in a function
global inlist_cond "amz2002ras_clss, amz2003ras_clss, amz2004ras_clss, amz2005ras_clss, amz2006ras_clss, amz2007ras_clss, amz2008ras_clss, amz2009ras_clss, amz2010ras_clss, amz2011ras_clss"
The reason why they are saved in a macro is because the list will be in a loop and its content will change depending on the year.
What I need to do is to generate a dummy variable so that water_dummy == 1 if any of the variables in the macro list has the WATER classification. In Stata, I need to write
gen water_dummy = inlist("WATER", "$inlist_cond")
, which--ideally--should translate to
gen water_dummy = inlist("WATER", amz2002ras_clss, amz2003ras_clss, amz2004ras_clss, amz2005ras_clss, amz2006ras_clss, amz2007ras_clss, amz2008ras_clss, amz2009ras_clss, amz2010ras_clss, amz2011ras_clss)
But this did not work---the code executed without any errors but the dummy variable only contained 0s. I know that it is possible to invoke macros inside functions in Stata, but I have never tried it when the macro contains a whole list of conditions. Any thoughts?
help inlist
. – Roberto Ferrerinlist
, removing the double quotes should resolve the issue. – Aspen Chen