I would like to set up a 6 shards solr collection on 3 windows machines.
Tried the bin\solr -e cloud and set up 2 machines 6 shards and 1 replica. When stopping and starting 2 cores on one machine (each using another hard disk) I get 6 shards; 3 for each core.
When I start another core on another machine nothing happens, the 3rd one doesn't do anything.
When I start another core on the same machine using the same config in another directory nothing happens, the core starts but has no collections and the 2 cores first started still have 3 shards each.
For example: I start the 3rd one with:
bin\solr start -c -p 7576 -z localhost:9983 -s server/solr/collection/node3/solr
Or start on another machine:
bin\solr start -c -p 7576 -z zookeeper:9983 -s server/solr/collection/node3/solr
Is there some documentation out there that doesn't use the "convenient" bin\solr that I'm trying to reverse engineer the entire day to figure out how to set up zookeeper/solr to add the nth solr core as a shard until 6 shards are reached?