while working on a Shiny application I stumbled upon the following problem which seems related to the order in which input are changed by the update***Input vs. the reactivity order.
I have been able to narrow down the code and steps to reproduce the problem to the following ones:
- I have a numericInput which spans between 1 and 5, with 3 as default value, whose selected value is used to produce some output (for the sake of simplicity, here it's just a "Good" message if the value is 2, 3 or 4, and a "Bad" message if the value is either 1 or 5);
- I want the user to be able to change the input value and either use its chosen value (by pressing a Submit button) or use the default value (by pressing a Reset button) in the rest of the application;
- The check for the condition 1<value<5 has to be preferably inside an isolate block (because my actual complete code triggers various time-consuming operations based on the input)
The code snippets are the following
fluidRow(headerPanel(HTML("Test a possible bug"), windowTitle = "Test a possible bug")
tabPanel("Try this", br(),
numericInput(inputId="foo", label="Input me", value=3,min=1, max=5),
actionButton(inputId="reset", label="Use default"),
actionButton(inputId="submit", label="Use new value"),br(),br(),br(),
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$reset, {
updateNumericInput(session=session, inputId="foo", value=3)
checkInput <- reactive({
input$foo > 1 && input$foo < 5
output$bar <- renderText({
if (checkInput())
The problem I encountered is the following
- If I choose 5, the app properly prints a "Bad" message
- If I now press "Use default" the numericInput is properly update to the default 3, but the message remains "Bad" because the modification of the input is not acknowledged (yet) by shiny
- If I now press a second time the "Use default" button, or if I press the "Use new value" button, the message is now correctly updated to "Good"
I would expect on the other hand that shiny acknowledges the updated input, since the input field has changed
Is this behaviour by design? Any suggestion to solve the problem? I could work around the issue by requiring the user to separately reset the value to default and then to submit the new value, but it sounds a little bit unsatisfactory...
p.s. my actual code has a dozen of numericInput fields, thus the "Use default" button is really needed because manually restoring all values is not really a feasible option outside the simplified settings posted here ;-)