I know that there is library available for uploading the file using Azure Storage. I have refer this for same.
But, they have not give information for how to use SAS with that. I have account name, and sas url for access and upload file there. But I don't know how to use that for uploading file.
If I use above mention library it shows me invalid storage connection string because I am not passing the key in it (Which is not required with sas). So I am confused how I can upload file.
I have refer this documentation also for uploading file using sas. but not getting proper steps to do this. They have made demo for their windows app. I want to have that in android with use of sas.
I have try with below code with reference to the console app made by Azure to check and access SAS.
try {
//Try performing container operations with the SAS provided.
//Return a reference to the container using the SAS URI.
//CloudBlockBlob blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new StorageUri(new URI(sas)));
String[] str = userId.split(":");
String blobUri = "https://myStorageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/image/" + str[1] + "/story/" + storyId + "/image1.jpg" + sas.toString().replaceAll("\"","");
Log.d(TAG,"Result:: blobUrl 1 : "+blobUri);
CloudBlobContainer container = new CloudBlobContainer(new URI(blobUri));
Log.d(TAG,"Result:: blobUrl 2 : "+blobUri);
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference("image1.jpg");
String filePath = postData.get(0).getUrl().toString();
/*File source = new File(getRealPathFromURI(getApplicationContext(),Uri.parse(filePath))); // File path
blob.upload(new FileInputStream(source), source.length());*/
Log.d(TAG,"Result:: blobUrl 3 : "+blobUri);
//blob.upload(new FileInputStream(source), source.length());
//blob.uploadText("Hello this is testing..."); // Upload text file
Log.d(TAG, "Result:: blobUrl 4 : " + blobUri);
Log.d(TAG, "Write operation succeeded for SAS " + sas);
response = "success";
} catch (StorageException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Write operation failed for SAS " + sas);
Log.d(TAG, "Additional error information: " + e.getMessage());
response = e.getMessage();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
response = e.getMessage();
} catch (IOException e) {
response = e.getMessage();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
response = e.getMessage();
} catch (Exception e){
response = e.getMessage();
Now, when I upload text only it says me below error
Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
Now, my requirement is to upload Image file. So when I uncomment code for uploading image file it is not giving me any error but even not uploading image file.