I am using the Html Agility pack to select out textual data from within rss xml. For every other node type (title, pubdate, guid .etc) I can select out the inner-text using XPath conventions however when querying "//link" or indeed "item/link" empty strings are returned.
public static IEnumerable<string> ExtractAllLinks(string rssSource)
//Create a new document.
var document = new HtmlDocument();
//Populate the document with an rss file.
//Select out all of the required nodes.
var itemNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("item/link");
//If zero nodes were found, return an empty list, otherwise return the content of those nodes.
return itemNodes == null ? new List<string>() : itemNodes.Select(itemNode => itemNode.InnerText).ToList();
Does anybody have an understanding of why this element behaves differently to the others?
Additional: Running "item/link" returns zero nodes. Running "//link" returns the correct number of nodes however the inner text is zero chars in length.
Using the below test data, with "//name" returns a single record for "fred" however with "//link" a single record with an empty string is returned.
<site><link>Hello World</link><name>Fred</name></site>
I am certain its because of the world "link". If I change it to "linkz" it works perfectly.
The below workaround works perfectly. However I would like to understand why searching on "//link" does not work as other elements do.
public static IEnumerable<string> ExtractAllLinks(string rssSource)
rssSource = rssSource.Replace("<link>", "<link-renamed>");
rssSource = rssSource.Replace("</link>", "</link-renamed>");
//Create a new document.
var document = new HtmlDocument();
//Populate the document with an rss file.
//Select out all of the required nodes.
var itemNodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//link-renamed");
//If zero nodes were found, return an empty list, otherwise return the content of those nodes.
return itemNodes == null ? new List<string>() : itemNodes.Select(itemNode => itemNode.InnerText).ToList();