
In my module I have a many2one field to select workers for a particular task. According to the requirement that field should only display the workers in the current user's department. Simply this is the code,

 _columns = {
    'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee'),

My problem is how to perform such filteration for a field on load? I tried using functional field in a domain in view xml. but It seems functional field gets its value when saving the particular record.

Also I tried adding domain to the field itself, here get_current_user_department is a function returns the department id

_columns = {
    'employee_id': fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee',domain=[('department_id.id','=',get_current_user_department)]),

This generates following error,

TypeError: is not JSON serializable

Any suggestion to make this work? Thanks


2 Answers


Also you can take one field for storing current user department you can set default value of current user department.

default_department_id = fields.Many2one('employee.department', 
                                        string='My User',

Now you need to create function for set default department.

After that you need to write in XML:

<field name="default_department_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="employee_id" 

You have to define a new many2one field to save the current user department ID and put the value of the department at loading with default_get() method. Then after, you can put this field on a domain to filter employee that are in the same department than the user.