For a data matrix of size n-by-p, PRINCOMP
will return a coefficient matrix of size p-by-p where each column is a principal component expressed using the original dimensions, so in your case you will create an output matrix of size:
1036800*1036800*8 bytes ~ 7.8 TB
Consider using PRINCOMP(X,'econ')
to return only the PCs with significant variance
Alternatively, consider performing PCA by SVD: in your case n<<p
, and the covariance matrix is impossible to compute. Therefore, instead of decomposing the p-by-p matrix XX'
, it is sufficient to only decompose the smaller n-by-n matrix X'X
. Refer to this paper for reference.
Here's my implementation, the outputs of this function match those of PRINCOMP (the first three anyway):
function [PC,Y,varPC] = pca_by_svd(X)
% X data matrix of size n-by-p where n<<p
% PC columns are first n principal components
% Y data projected on those PCs
% varPC variance along the PCs
X0 = bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X,1)); % shift data to zero-mean
[U,S,PC] = svd(X0,'econ'); % SVD decomposition
Y = X0*PC; % project X on PC
varPC = diag(S'*S)' / (size(X,1)-1); % variance explained
I just tried it on my 4GB machine, and it ran just fine:
» x = rand(16,1036800);
» [PC, Y, varPC] = pca_by_svd(x);
» whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
PC 1036800x16 132710400 double
Y 16x16 2048 double
varPC 1x16 128 double
x 16x1036800 132710400 double
The princomp
function became deprecated in favor of pca
introduced in R2012b, which includes many more options.
command should also tell you what is the maximum size (max contiguous space) for a single variable. – Hoki