I'm converting SQL to FetchXml for migrating existing reports in Dynamics CRM 2013 to Dynamics CRM 2015 online. There is an optionset and ran into this issue that
The attribute type "Virtual" is not supported. Remove attribute "s_expensetypename" from the query, and try again.
The problem is: How to get optionset label and value in link-entity using Fetch Xml CRM 2015 Online.
Here's my Fetch XML:
<fetch mapping="logical" version="1.0">
<entity name="new_timereport">
<attribute name="new_timereportid" alias="InvoiceID" />
<attribute name="new_name" alias="Invoice Number" />
<attribute name="new_projectid" alias="ProjectID" />
<attribute name="new_projectidname" alias="Project Name" />
<attribute name="new_customeridname" alias="Customer Name" />
<condition attribute="new_timereportid" operator="eq" value="@SubreportParam" />
<link-entity name="new_expenses" from="new_expenseid" to="new_timereportid" alias="Y" link-type="outer">
<attribute name="s_expensetype" alias="Expense Type Key" />
<attribute name="s_expensetypename" alias="Expense Type" />
<attribute name="ownerid" alias="ConsultantID" />
<attribute name="owneridname" alias="Consultant" />
<attribute name="new_date" />
<attribute name="new_amount" alias="Amount" />
<attribute name="new_vat" alias="VAT" />
<attribute name="new_total" alias="Total Amount" />
<attribute name="new_name" alias="Description" />
Any ideas on how to deal with this?
Many thanks,