When the left part is an object instance, you use ->
. Otherwise, you use ::
This means that ->
is mostly used to access instance members (though it can also be used to access static members, such usage is discouraged), while ::
is usually used to access static members (though in a few special cases, it's used to access instance members).
In general, ::
is used for scope resolution, and it may have either a class name, parent
, self
, or (in PHP 5.3) static
to its left. parent
refers to the scope of the superclass of the class where it's used; self
refers to the scope of the class where it's used; static
refers to the "called scope" (see late static bindings).
The rule is that a call with ::
is an instance call if and only if:
- the target method is not declared as static and
- there is a compatible object context at the time of the call, meaning these must be true:
- the call is made from a context where
exists and
- the class of
is either the class of the method being called or a subclass of it.
class A {
public function func_instance() {
echo "in ", __METHOD__, "\n";
public function callDynamic() {
echo "in ", __METHOD__, "\n";
class B extends A {
public static $prop_static = 'B::$prop_static value';
public $prop_instance = 'B::$prop_instance value';
public function func_instance() {
echo "in ", __METHOD__, "\n";
public static function func_static() {
echo "in ", __METHOD__, "\n";
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
echo "in dynamic $name (__call)", "\n";
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
echo "in dynamic $name (__callStatic)", "\n";
echo 'B::$prop_static: ', B::$prop_static, "\n";
echo 'B::func_static(): ', B::func_static(), "\n";
$a = new A;
$b = new B;
echo '$b->prop_instance: ', $b->prop_instance, "\n";
echo '$b->func_static(): ', $b->func_static(), "\n";
echo '$b->func_instance():', "\n", $b->func_instance(), "\n";
echo '$a->dyn():', "\n", $a->callDynamic(), "\n";
echo '$b->dyn():', "\n", $b->callDynamic(), "\n";
B::$prop_static: B::$prop_static value
B::func_static(): in B::func_static
$b->prop_instance: B::$prop_instance value
$b->func_static(): in B::func_static
in B::func_instance
in A::func_instance
in A::func_instance
in A::callDynamic
in dynamic dyn (__callStatic)
in A::callDynamic
in dynamic dyn (__call)