I've created new ASP.NET 5 MVC project in Visual Studio 2015. On project creation wizard I've chosen to show the templates for .NET framework 4.6 and then on the next screen selected "Web Application" from ASP.NET 5 Preview Templates.
However, after creation it appears that the project listed only "dnx451" and "dnxcore50" in "frameworks" section of project.json:
"frameworks": {
"dnx451": { },
"dnxcore50": { }
I've tried to change "dnx451" to "dnx46". The project has been built well but when I tried to run it, I got the following error message:
The current runtime target framework is not compatible with '...'.
Current runtime Target Framework: 'DNX,Version=v4.5.1 (dnx451)' Type: CLR Architecture: x86 Version: 1.0.0-beta5
How is it possible to change that "target framework" for ASP.NET 5 project?
Here is my global.json now:
"projects": [
"sdk": {
"version": "1.0.0-beta5",
"runtime": "clr",
"architecture": "x86"
but it does not really matter what is listed there. I've already tried different builds of 1.0.0-beta5 and the latest 1.0.0-beta6
"Microsoft.AspNet.Server.IIS": "1.0.0-beta6"
to my project.json fixed the issue. I don't know why however. Perhaps it helps you too. – Henk Mollema