I am using Kendo + angularJS, i have grid with check box when i click checkbox i need to get the current row data item. problem is when i click the checkbox, i can't able to select the row automatically. Previoulsy i was used Kendo UI v2014.1.416. In that version when i click check box, current row is getting selected, but after upgrading to Kendo UI v2015.2.624 it not working
<div class="filterProductGridHeight" kendo-grid="filterProductGrid"
k-pageable='{ "pageSizes":true }'
In controller
$scope.filterProductGridColumns = [
{ field: "ShortDescription", title: "Short Description" },
{ field: "LongDescription", title: "Long Description" },
{ field: "Barcode", title: "Barcode" },
template: function (dateItem) {
return "<span class='fa fa-circle redColorCode' title='Red'> </span><span class='fa fa-circle greenColorCode' title='Green'></span> <span class='fa fa-circle blueColorCode' title='Blue'></span>"
//$scope.isChecked ? "<input type='checkbox' ng-click='chkClick($event, selectedFilterProduct)' id='checkbox' class='checkbox' ng-checked= '" + dateItem.IsProductValid + "&& isChecked' ng-disabled='" + !dateItem.IsProductValid + "'/>" :
// "<input type='checkbox' ng-click='chkClick($event, selectedFilterProduct)' id='checkbox' class='checkbox' ng-disabled='" + !dateItem.IsProductValid + "'/>";
}, title: "Item Order Status"
template: function (dateItem) {
return $scope.isChecked ? "<input type='checkbox' ng-click='chkClick($event, selectedFilterProduct)' id='checkbox' class='checkbox' ng-checked= '" + dateItem.IsProductValid + "&& isChecked' ng-disabled='" + !dateItem.IsProductValid + "'/>" :
"<input type='checkbox' ng-click='chkClick($event, selectedFilterProduct)' id='checkbox' class='checkbox' ng-disabled='" + !dateItem.IsProductValid + "'/>";
title: "<input id='checkAllProduct' ng-model='chkAllFilterProductGrid' type='checkbox' class='check-box' ng-change='chkAllProductClick()'/> Select All"
$scope.chkClick = function ($event, selectedFilterProduct) {
var checkbox = $event.target;
var action = (checkbox.checked ? 'add' : 'remove');
var selectedIndex = GetArrayIndexByPropertyvalue($scope.filterProductDataSource.data, "Id", selectedFilterProduct.Id);
if (selectedIndex != -1) {
var selectedData = $scope.filterProductDataSource.data[selectedIndex];
updateFilterProductList(action, selectedData);