
I am using Jmeter distributed testing to run JMX files in remote machines. Both are connected well and remote machine is not sending back any results to me. It says just started test and finished the test. but no results are being sent back to Master machine.

What is your RMI configuration?automatictester
Hey @d4Rk and automatictester can you please check these.. i am unable to copy my entire code so i am giving drive link for properties file drive.google.com/file/d/0BwT8KgzXMBEHUkYteDZ0Wkd1WW8/…user1752844
Most of the time this is a problem with either Firewalls or the RMI configuration as mentioned by automatictester. It's hard to tell what exactly the problem is without more information about your network and setup of servers and client.mhlz
Ok let me tell you guys how i am activating my slave machine. While using the command -s jmeter-server i am getting this error "Cannot start. hari-Latitude-3540 is a loopback address".....user1752844

1 Answers


It's a communication problem between slave and master.

Ensure you set this value in JMeter user.properties file to a value different from 0, let's say 4000 and open corresponding ports 4000, 4001, 4002 :

  • client.rmi.localport=0