
I'm using a Webjob with the Windows Azure Storage SDK. When a new item shows up in a Queue, a method in my class is invoked. According to the SDK docs, if I take a TextWriter as a parameter to my method, the SDK will provide me with a TextWriter that I can write to which will show up in the Webjob's logging infrastructure. This makes it pretty easy to diagnose issues and troubleshoot things.

public async static void ProcessQueueMessage([QueueTrigger("queueName")]MyModelType model, TextWriter logger)

    await logger.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("Processing Item {0}", model.SasUrl));

    // Some work here

    await logger.WriteLineAsync(string.Format("Done Processing Item {0}", model.SasUrl));

However, very frequently, within the body of my method, the TextWriter is being disposed of. I'm getting the following exception on the 2nd logger.WriteLineAsync:

System.ObjectDisposedException was unhandled by user code
  Message=Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.
       at System.IO.__Error.WriterClosed()
       at System.IO.StringWriter.Write(Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
       at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String value)
       at System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine(String value)
       at System.IO.TextWriter.SyncTextWriter.WriteLineAsync(String value)
       at NameOfProject.Program.<ProcessQueueMessage>d__8.MoveNext() in c:\Dev\Path\To\Program.cs:line 173

I can't find others having this problem, so I can't imagine there is a bug in the SDK or webjobs infrastructure.

Is there a way to tell if the logger is disposed of ahead of the call?

Is there a way to create a new logger within my method that will participate in the WebJobs logging subsystems and UI?

Nothing obvious to me, but my guess would be it's some kind of async issue. There's a variety of corner case bugs possible with async static void console applications. Could you try dropping async and seeing if it repros still?Chris Anderson-MSFT
Is there any particular reason for using async await inside the WebJob handler? According to my understanding your web job will be invoked in a different thread other than the main thread by SDK. So that main thread will never be disturbed.Joy George Kunjikkuru

1 Answers


That's because your method returns void. Try returning Task instead