I have a Symfony 2.7 installation with FosUserBundle (users), FosRestBundle (API) and NelmioCorsBundle (CORS). I followed some guides which were written at a (recent if I understand well) time where FosUserBundle was using SHA512 with a salt for passwords encryption.
I have a working WSSE server on my Symfony, and I'm trying to make requets from a Javascript client in a secure way. With the old "SHA15 + salt" way, I see how to do it : a public api for getting the salt on the client side, on we recreate the encrypted password "as in the database" before sending it via WSSE header. I think this is also good for keeping the password in cache (better than a non encrypted password).
But since bcrypt have a built in salt, how can I generate the encrypted password in the client side ? Of course one solution would be stop using bcrypt and start using SHA512 + salt but less secure; and other solution would be something like oauth2 and HTTPS, but I would like to find a secure solution without HTTPS for now.
Any clue ?
Thanks !