
I try do define a n:m relationship in Laravel using Eloquent. I have the following tables given:


  • ID
  • foo


  • ID


  • thing_id
  • foo

In my User Model I have defined the following relation

public function things() {
  return $this->hasMany('App\Thing', 'user_things', 'foo', 'thing_id');

In the Things Model is the counterpart

public function users() {
  return $this->hasMany('App\User', 'user_things', 'thing_id', 'foo');

When I call in the Controller

$user = User::find(1) //works
//$thing = Thing::find(1) works
$things = $user->things();
return $things

I get the following message:

Object of class Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany could not be converted to string.

My problem is that, I cannot use the User ID as foreign key in the combination table. It has to be the foo column.

The error doesn't seem to have anything to do with relations. Somewhere in your code an object is converted to a string. Have a look at the error message, there should be filename and line number where the error occurs. Please paste that part of the code.jedrzej.kurylo
What happens when you return dd($things)? $user->things()` returns an instance of Collection. Use dynamic attribute instead and see if works: $things = $user->things; or $things = $user->things->first();CrackingTheCode

1 Answers


You may try this (Use belongsToMany for many-to-many relationship):

// User.php

protected $primaryKey = 'foo';
public $incrementing = false;

public function things() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Thing', 'user_things', 'foo', 'thing_id');

// Thing.php
public function users() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'user_things', 'thing_id', 'foo');

Finally, use $user->things instead of $user->things().