EventSourcing works perfectly when we have particular unique EntityID but when I am trying to get information from eventStore other than particular EntityId i am having tough time.
I am using CQRS with EventSourcing. As part of event-sourcing we are storing the events in SQL table as columns(EntityID (uniqueKey),EventType,EventObject(eg. UserAdded)).
So while storing EventObject we are just serializing the DotNet object and storing it in SQL, So, All the details related to UserAdded event will be in xml format. My concern is I want to make sure the userName which is present in db Should be unique.
So, while making command of AddUser I have to query EventStore(sql db) whether the particular userName is already present in eventStore. So for doing that I need to serialize all the UserAdded/UserEdited events in Event store and check if requested username is present in eventStore.
But as part of CQRS commands are not allowed to query may be because of Race condition.
So, I tried before sending the AddUser command just query the eventStore and get all the UserNames by serializing all events(UserAdded) and fetch usernames and if requested username is unique then shoot command else throwing exception that userName already exist.
As with above approach ,we need to query entire db and we may have hundreds of thousands of events/day.So the execution of query/deserialization will take much time which will lead to performance issue.
I am looking for any better approach/suggestion for maintaining username Unique either by getting all userNames from eventStore or any other approach
interface in an experiment:… and you can see and implementation here:… --- A hash of an arbitrary key is associated with an AR id. Hope that helps :) – Eben Roux