I'm aware that jar files should have a manifest.mf Main-Class: attribute in order to have an entry point and make the jar file runnable. Now, I have a jar file that I've built per below. The classes are all part of the burrito package. My MANIFEST.MF file looks like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.1
Created-By: 1.7.0_51-b13 (Oracle Corporation)
X-COMMENT: Main-Class will be added automatically by build
Main-Class: burrito.Main
, and when I try to build and execute via the following:
jar -cvf Burrito.jar Customer.class Main.class Server
.class Store.class MANIFEST.MF
*added manifest
adding: Customer.class(in = 2800) (out= 1424)(deflated 49%)
adding: Main.class(in = 1147) (out= 757)(deflated 34%)
adding: Server.class(in = 3954) (out= 2094)(deflated 47%)
adding: Store.class(in = 3950) (out= 2190)(deflated 44%)
adding: MANIFEST.MF(in = 203) (out= 158)(deflated 22%)*
I get:
*java -jar Burrito.jar
no main manifest attribute, in Burrito.jar*
I've tried various ways, also trying the -m switch (cvfm). I've attempted the following:
java -cp Burrito.jar burrito.Main
as well as
java -cp Burrito.jar Main
, which both tell me Error: Could not find or load main class
I've been poring over forums, and I can't seem to 'Google' my way to a solution here. Of course the Netbeans jar works, but I need to build my own. I've peeked at the Netbeans jar, and I see that I have two folders, burrito and META-INF. Of course, the manifest file is in the META-INF folder, and the burrito folder contains the class files. I'm not sure exactly to mimic this, and I would be happy to simply get this program to run.
Any pointers/hints?