I am relatively new to WordPress and am using a theme from ThemeForest which is the builder responsive multi-purpose theme. I created the child theme, selected and activated it from the dashboard. The issue I am having is that the style formatting of the header, menu and footer areas don't transfer to the child theme.
My site is brewer2inspect.com
I placed the child theme under /wp-content/themes and titled it builder-child. Below you will find my code for my new style.css file placed in the builder-child directory.
Theme Name: Builder Child
Theme URI: http://brewer2inspect.com/builder-child/
Description: Builder Child Theme
Author: Mark G
Author URI:
Template: builder
Version: 1.0.0
// This @import line loads the stylesheet from the parent theme*/
@import url('../builder/style.css');
/* =Theme customization starts here ------- */
When this didn't work I took a look at the original or parent style.css and also tried changing the imports to reflect that file to the following that also didn't work.
@import url('assets/css/bootstrap.css');
@import url('assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css');
@import url('assets/css/docs.css');
@import url('assets/js/google-code-prettify/prettify.css');
@import url('assets/nivo/nivo-slider.css');
@import url('assets/css/prettyPhoto.css');
@import url('assets/css/options.css');