I am experiencing some strange problems with protection in Google New Sheets. I have created a demo of what I am experiencing. The URL to the sheet is:
I have protected the sheet for edit by owner only except for rows 5 to 7 using the 'Sheet protect except certain cells' method under 'Data - Protected sheets and ranges...'
I also have a simple User Function menu which is invoked on open wich contains a simple Google Apps Script to insert a given number of rows (code below).
The following is happening when another user accesses the sheet:
- The basic protection seems to be working. The user can only edit the rows 5 to 7.
- The insert row function (selected under User Functions menu) produces a 'Service error: Spreadsheets'.
- If the user tries to delete any of the 3 unprotected rows then the message 'Can't save your changes. Copy any recent changes, then revert to an earlier version...' appears in a red box at the top of the screen. Clicking on the 'revert to an earlier version...' link reverses the delete.
If I remove all protection then everything is 100% for the user - insert rows funtion - delete rows etc.
The functionality I have reproduced here is very similar to what I have been using in the old sheets for years without any problems (i.e. protecting certain areas of the spreadsheet from edit by shared users).
I must add, I posted the issue about the insert row function not working a couple of days ago.
Here's my function code:
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [{name: "Insert Rows", functionName: "insertRows"}];
ss.addMenu("User Functions", menuEntries);
function insertRows() {
var numRows = Browser.inputBox('Insert Rows', 'Enter the number of rows to insert', Browser.Buttons.OK);
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var curs = sheet.getActiveCell();
var cursRow = curs.getRow();
var cursLastCol = sheet.getLastColumn();
sheet.insertRowsAfter(cursRow, numRows);
var source_range = sheet.getRange(cursRow,1,1,cursLastCol);
var target_range = sheet.getRange(cursRow+1,1,numRows);
Browser.msgBox('Insert Rows', +numRows+' rows successfully inserted.', Browser.Buttons.OK);
Can anyone help with this. I have some large customers I have built complex online spreadsheets for that now don't function correctly under New Sheets.