I have one template from which I'm trying to refresh the design in my database. However when I run "load design -f database.nsf" or select "Refresh design..." in the context menu in the Domino Designer it always skips the same design elements when updating.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the settings on database level since some elements are updated properly. But I don't know of any other setting on element level than "Prohibit design refresh" that would result in this behavior. If I delete all forms in the database and refresh design again, only those elements that aren't skipped are added to the database.
I have tried creating new copies of database and template, compact, fixup, updall.
Ideas anyone?
Checked my elements (forms) access settings like Knut Herrman suggested, but this doesn't seem to be the issue either. The settings on the access tab is "All readers and above" and "All authors and above". (Would have posted picture, but sadly I don't have enough reputation)
Tried deleting all elements in the main database and refreshing after with the result that it skips the same elements as mentioned above.
I have uploaded a small example with a one template and one database, and only two forms for design elements, if someone wants to check it out. One of the forms is updated on Refresh, the other is not.
If I use Replace instead it works fine btw.