I'm using cakephp 3.0, and I have a 'users' table, and a 'profiles' table. The users-table contains minimum information, username, e-mail, password. The profiles-talbe contains detailed information : avatar, phone number, ...
I am able to link those 2 tables together with a hasMany association. And if I look at the output of a user, it shows the 'profiles' property, as an array, with an item for each profile information:
User (array)
id 1
username admin
email [email protected]
password ****
-> created (array)
-> modified (array)
-> profiles (array)
-> 0 (array)
id 1
user_id 1
key avatar
value 1.jpg
-> 1 (array)
id 2
user_id 1
key phone
value 555-1234
No it's still hard to get the Avatar. I'll have to go through all the profile-items to see which has the key 'avatar'. What I'm looking for is something which will give this structure:
User (array)
id 1
username admin
email [email protected]
password ****
-> created (array)
-> modified (array)
-> profiles (array)
avatar 1.jpg
phone 555-1234
This would be much easier. Now I can just to User->profiles->avatar.
Is that possible?
relationship? Surely ahasOne
relationship is more appropriate? – drmonkeyninjanickname
...etc. As opposed to having a single row for every possible option. Just seems overkill doing it the way you're doing it, and it's making your resulting dataset more confusing too. – Dave