I'm working on an online store that uses SagePay and I'm currently trying to upgrade the version from 2.23 to 3.00.
I have read through this guide but I'm still none the wiser on a couple of things (and haven't had a response from SagePay in over 48hrs): http://www.sagepay.co.uk/file/10286/download-document/Technical_Guide_to_Update_Sage_Pay_Form_Protocol(2%2023).pdf
The guide suggests that these four fields are mandatory to update:
Transaction Registration:
• VPSProtocol
Sage Pay Response:
• BankAuthCode
• DeclineCode
• ExpiryDate
My problem is that I only use the first field (VPSProtocol) in my whole SagePay integration - does this mean I only need to update this field from 2.23 to 3.00, or do I now need to integrate the other three as well?