I want to be able to let the user of my application start/stop periodic crontab style tasks with Celery beat. Right now I run Celery with
venv/bin/celery worker -A celery_worker.celery --loglevel=info
I got Celery Beat running with this simple example:
def add(x, y):
return x + y
on my config file:
'add-every-30-seconds': {
'task': 'app.email.add',
'schedule': timedelta(seconds=30),
'args': (16, 16)
then I run the Celery beat worker with
celery -A celery_worker.celery beat -s ~/Documents/cesco-automation/power/celerybeat-schedule
And it works perfectly! But I need to have more control over the schedule.
Also on my app shell, I am able to do this.
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
>>> add.apply_async(args=[10, 10], eta=tomorrow)
Which is great, but I am developing a home-automation app, so I also need to stop the tasks. How do I do this??
I have also found this link that mention about a django custom scheduler classes. Which is exactly what I need. On the Celery docs it mentions the -S flag, but I dont know how to properly add the class to my Flask app. How can I use it with Flask??
Do I really need Celery Beat? Are there other option other the crontab? Crontab seems not to be sharp enough.