We are using Azure AD authentication for one of our client application. We want to implement claims based authorization along with it.
Our application set up is Angular Based client app connecting with Web API (both client server secured using Azure AD Bearer Authentication). Server application is hosted using OWIN.
We need to provide custom authorization on server side. There is a provision in Azure AD for adding users and roles. However, that is not enough for us. Our user management is through AD & Security Groups. To gain access to application, users need to part of a base group and further rights (access particular section of application, edit a specific entity etc.) are assigned based on additional groups or given directly to users in the application. Essentially, not all users will be registered in the application and we may have to query the AD using graph API to check which all application specific groups they belong.
OWIN authentication and authorization model is based on Authentication Server and Resource server. We can separate them on need basis. However, in our case, we need to split the authentication and authorization. When the client presents the bearer token, we need to verify if the token is valid and then add claims to user profile. We also need to cache the user claims so that we do not hit the database frequently. (Our client app make multiple Web API calls in one user action.)
What is the location in Identity 2.0 where
- I can verify the token &
- insert application specific claims
If my entire application revolves around the user authorization and all queries need to be filtered on what data the user can access, which is a more suitable design pattern for the Web API application?