
I already installed Erlang in my OSX machine but I faced the below issues:

/usr/local/bin/erl: line 28: /Users/irshadpc/@@HOMEBREW_CELLAR@@/erlang/17.5/lib/erlang/erts-6.4/bin/erlexec: No such file or directory /usr/local/bin/erl: line 28: exec: /Users/irshadpc/@@HOMEBREW_CELLAR@@/erlang/17.5/lib/erlang/erts-6.4/bin/erlexec: cannot execute: No such file or directory.

Can anyone help me to uninstall Erlang and re-install it?

What's wrong with brew uninstall erlang?Michał Kalinowski

1 Answers


To uninstall old versions of the formulas installed and see them while they are being uninstalled, just run:

brew cleanup -n

to uninstall erlang (if you are having troubles) just do

brew uninstall erlang --force

to install latest version of erlang after that

brew update
brew install erlang