I'm trying to write a method, with two parameters : the Q_PROPERTY
name (char *
) and the QObject *
associated with, that permit to connect the notifySignal (if exists) of the Q_PROPERTY
, to a void slot(QVariant)
, or to a slot dynamically builded which will call a void method(QVariant)
. The signature of the signal can vary according to the type of the parameter.
How can I achieve that in Qt 5? Maybe it's impossible, but I will not stop searching while I'm not sure of that.
So I think I have 3 solutions:
building dynamically a slot of the exact signature of the signal, from the signal name, and call a method(QVariant) in it, using the old Qt connect way:
connect(sender, SIGNAL (valueChanged(QString,QString)), receiver, SLOT (updateValue(QString)) );
using the new Qt 5 connect system:
connect(sender, &Sender::valueChanged,receiver, &Receiver::updateValue );
building all slots signatures that can be used with QVariant.
Althougt, I don't know how to build a slot dynamically that call a specified method for the first solution ; I don't know how to retrieve the function pointer from the QMetaMethod
of the notifySignal, for the second solution ; maybe the last solution is the best way, and easy to achieve, but it seams a bit extreme.
What do you think about it?