Implementing the answer from this thread I have this code that translates the deltayaw, deltaroll and deltapitch angles into one angle and rotates a node around it. The angles that are taken as the parameters are momentary changes of angles since giving the whole angles would ignore the changes in orientation.
public static void matrixRotate(Group n, double deltaroll, double deltapitch, double deltayaw){
double A11 = Math.cos(deltaroll)*Math.cos(deltayaw);
double A12 = Math.cos(deltapitch)*Math.sin(deltaroll)+Math.cos(deltaroll)*Math.sin(deltapitch)*Math.sin(deltayaw);
double A13 = Math.sin(deltaroll)*Math.sin(deltapitch)-Math.cos(deltaroll)*Math.cos(deltapitch)*Math.sin(deltayaw);
double A21 =-Math.cos(deltayaw)*Math.sin(deltaroll);
double A22 = Math.cos(deltaroll)*Math.cos(deltapitch)-Math.sin(deltaroll)*Math.sin(deltapitch)*Math.sin(deltayaw);
double A23 = Math.cos(deltaroll)*Math.sin(deltapitch)+Math.cos(deltapitch)*Math.sin(deltaroll)*Math.sin(deltayaw);
double A31 = Math.sin(deltayaw);
double A32 =-Math.cos(deltayaw)*Math.sin(deltapitch);
double A33 = Math.cos(deltapitch)*Math.cos(deltayaw);
double d = Math.acos((A11+A22+A33-1d)/2d);
double den=2d*Math.sin(d);
Point3D p= new Point3D((A32-A23)/den,(A13-A31)/den,(A21-A12)/den);
Rotate r = new Rotate();
Transform all = n.getLocalToSceneTransform();
(I'm using rotate because I need to always rotate the object around the origin, not the center)
Now this creates a problem as I'm no longer able to get the actual pitch, roll and yaw angles.
I used to keep track of them like this (which doesn't take into account the changing orientation):
roll +=deltaroll;
pitch += deltapitch;
yaw += deltayaw;
And later I've come up with this, which is a bit more accurate, but doesn't track the changes that occur if the angles are not directly modified(inserted after the n.getTransforms().add(all) in the main snippet):
roll+= Math.toDegrees(d)*((A32-A23)/den);
pitch += Math.toDegrees(d)*((A13-A31)/den);
yaw += Math.toDegrees(d)*((A21-A12)/den);
I've been searching around for solutions and found this answer which is supposed to give the angle from the final transform but I haven't been able to get it working for all angles.
double xx = n.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMxx();
double xy = n.getLocalToSceneTransform().getMxy();
double roll = Math.atan2(-xy, xx);
Again what I'm trying to get are the full angles (composited out of the transforms made from the delta angles in different orientations) relative to the scene's coodrdinate system. I'm really bad at this so all help would be great.