So there are a few things to consider here as there are so many ways to skin this cat. Although answers have all already been given selected and chosen. I think it's important that this gets revisited with proper coding guidelines to avoid anyone going the wrong direction just because of "majority selected simple answer".
So first let's discuss the simple Post Delayed answer that is the winner selected answer overall in this thread.
A couple of things to consider. After the post delay, you can encounter memory leaks, dead objects, life cycles that have gone away, and more. So handling it properly is important as well. You can do this in a couple of ways.
For sake of modern development, I'll supply in KOTLIN
Here is a simple example of using the UI thread on a callback and confirming that your activity is still alive and well when you hit your callback.
if(activity != null && activity?.isFinishing == false){
txtNewInfo.visibility = View.GONE
However, this is still not perfect as there is no reason to hit your callback if the activity has gone away. so a better way would be to keep a reference to it and remove it's callbacks like this.
private fun showFacebookStylePlus1NewsFeedOnPushReceived(){
A35Log.v(TAG, "showFacebookStylePlus1NewsFeedOnPushReceived")
if(activity != null && activity?.isFinishing == false){
txtNewInfo.visibility = View.VISIBLE
if(activity != null && activity?.isFinishing == false){
txtNewInfo.visibility = View.GONE
and of course handle cleanup on the onPause so it doesn't hit the callback.
override fun onPause() {
Now that we have talked through the obvious, let's talk about a cleaner option with modern day coroutines and kotlin :). If you aren't using these yet, you are really missing out.
fun doActionAfterDelay()
launch(UI) {
or if you want to always do a UI launch on that method you can simply do:
fun doActionAfterDelay() = launch(UI){
Of course just like the PostDelayed you have to make sure you handle canceling so you can either do the activity checks after the delay call or you can cancel it in the onPause just like the other route.
var mDelayedJob: Job? = null
fun doActionAfterDelay()
mDelayedJob = launch(UI) {
try {
}catch(ex: JobCancellationException){
showFancyToast("Delayed Job canceled", true, FancyToast.ERROR, "Delayed Job canceled: ${ex.message}")
//handle cleanup
override fun onPause() {
if(mDelayedJob != null && mDelayedJob!!.isActive) {
A35Log.v(mClassTag, "canceling delayed job")
mDelayedJob?.cancel() //this should throw CancelationException in coroutine, you can catch and handle appropriately
If you put the launch(UI) into the method signature the job can be assigned in the calling line of code.
so moral of the story is to be safe with your delayed actions, make sure you remove your callbacks, or cancel your jobs and of course confirm you have the right life cycle to touch items on your delay callback complete. The Coroutines also offers cancelable actions.
Also worth noting that you should typically handle the various exceptions that can come with coroutines. For example, a cancelation, an exception, a timeout, whatever you decide to use. Here is a more advanced example if you decide to really start utilizing coroutines.
mLoadJob = launch(UI){
try {
//Applies timeout
withTimeout(4000) {
//Moves to background thread
withContext(DefaultDispatcher) {
//Continues after async with context above
showFancyToast("Loading complete", true, FancyToast.SUCCESS)
}catch(ex: JobCancellationException){
showFancyToast("Save canceled", true, FancyToast.ERROR, "Save canceled: ${ex.message}")
}catch (ex: TimeoutCancellationException) {
showFancyToast("Timed out saving, please try again or press back", true, FancyToast.ERROR, "Timed out saving to database: ${ex.message}")
}catch(ex: Exception){
showFancyToast("Error saving to database, please try again or press back", true, FancyToast.ERROR, "Error saving to database: ${ex.message}")