I would like to select cells C29:Z50 as a variable using apps script. I'd prefer not to have to create a named range (but I can if needed).
My goal is to create some custom formatting beyond colors that can use built in functionality. So, if cell B27 = "Transactions" then format C29:Z50 as a number, else format Z29:Z50 as dollar currency.
So I don't need the values of the cells, just the group of cells as a variable that I can apply if logic to.
I was reading the documentation here.
Returns a Range corresponding to the dimensions in which data is present. This is functionally equivalent to creating a Range bounded by A1 and (Range.getLastColumn(), Range.getLastRow()).
The example in the documentation grabs the entire tab but I just want a subset of the sheet in question.
I tried:
var currency_range = ss.getDataRange(C29, Z50); //"Reference Error. "C29" is not defined."
var currency_range = ss.getDataRange(C29:Z50); // "Missing ) argument list"
How can I "get" the range of cells so that I can later edit their formatting based on if conditional?