The Swift integration of a new Realm-DB (realm 0.92.3) under Xcode 6.3 and iOS10.10.3 basically works for the iPhone (not for the Apple-Watch yet). The integration of the same realm-framework under Watchkit (i.e. Apple-Watch) does not work yet.
The RealmSwift.framework is integrated (dragged into) the Embedded-Binaries as described here1 and here2. See screenshot below :
When running the Watchkit-App with the simulator the following error occurs :
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/XXX/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/3FE99-9-4C4C2/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/8B4-DF19F34-222973/ WatchKit Extension.appex/MyApp WatchKit Extension
Reason: image not found
What is still wrong ???
The Framework-Search-Path of the main-app is set. The ones for MyApp Watchkit Extension and MyApp Watchkit App are not set. Setting them does not change the above error. What is still missing ???
won't copy over the swift runtime dylibs, even if you have a framework that requires them. – segiddins